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   (We are entirely staffed by volunteers. Our all-volunteer organization, aspires to create a home for independent film makers, cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit of film making & enhance the diversity experience of our community.)

Sister City Advisory Council:

Jin Kong, Legal Counsel, Cincinnati Sister cities
Ratee Apana, President & Executive Director
Pat Niskode, Vice President & Co-Founder

Sister City Charter Board members:

Uma and Shashikant Kotegal

Pradeep Bekal

Nav Grandhi

Koti Sree Krishna

Vivek Narendra




Festival Advisor Aroon Shivadasni, New York Film festival

Curation Advisor

 Uma da Cunha

Film Advisors

Aseem Chabra, Premendra Majumdar,Todd Herzog,

Film Festival Patrons

Uma & Shashi Kant Kotegal,

Julie and Abhijit Desai.

Rajan Kamath & Ratee Apana

Social Media:

Gagan N 

Clara Matonhodze

Event Promotion:

Amit Raturi

Rita Kumar

Ashley Burnside

Jonathon Turbin

Renu Kotwal

Koti SriKrishna

Anirudh Mohan


Event Tecnology

Ratee Apana

Industry Speaker & Panel Directors

Todd Herzog


Print and Design

Ratee Apana

Gagan N 

Community relations:

Jason Dunn

Chaka Buraimoh

Amitabh Raturi

​Video and MC

Gagan N

Jay Sinnard

Voice stream 

Jason Young

Ratee Apana

Festival Volunteer Staff working team:
    Executive  Director Ratee Apana

       Directors:Pat Niskode, Rajan Kamath

Film Festival Judges:

Indu Tandon

Ratee Apana

Hamsa Gokli

Anu Mitra

Maryann Dhir

Pulin Kinkhabwala

Meena Mohan 

Rita Kumar

Ramona Adhikari

Judith Biddapa

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