Opportunity to show case your NFT art!
At the
Indian Film Festival 2021
5-19 August
Be a part of this one of a kind NFT art film. showcasing the multi-disciplinary NFT artworks of some of the most talented artists from around the world. In keeping with the theme of building inclusive communities, we invite NFT artists to submit their art on a South Asian Theme. You do not have to be South Asian, but maybe your art speaks to a South Asian, or perhaps your art may beg for a South Asian Title. Go ahead express yourself!
Theme: The Future of Art
Submission for curation: Any minted NFT artwork on any NFT marketplace.
(Sold or unsold)
Submission: 1 artwork (Low res or link is ok) accompanied by a cell phone video
Total number of artists selected will be 10, Your work will be selected based on how your story comes together and the art piece you have submitted.
Selected artists will be requested to submit a film quality image of the piece. to the festival.
How To Submit
Step 1
Create a shareable external drive folder (Google Drive/ Dropbox)
Inside it please include:
1. NFT artwork in full resolution.
Title, artist, and a short write up about the artwork in a document/ word file.
Please rename each artwork being submitted for consideration using the prefix
For eg: IFFNFT-MadDoodleArt01, IFFNFT-MadDoodleArt02 etc
Each artwork being submitted must have this prefix.
2. A short cell phone video recording of the creator/ artist, introducing themselves and their art.
So Please label clearly.
Tips for optimal video recording:
-Keep the consumer in mind. Keep it light, funny and dynamic.
-Find a well lit area of your space with the light coming towards you.
-Place your phone or recording device on a stand or prop it against a pile of books, at eye level.
-Keep the device steady and start recording.
-Make sure you are far enough from the camera so that we can see you at least from the waist up. You may sit or walk towards the camera or simply stand but we must see enough of you, not just a face.
-Video must be recorded in a horizontal format, 4:3 ratio. Vertical/ square formats will not be accepted.
-Talk naturally and with ease and please answer the following prompts:
1. Hello/ Hi, My name is————-
2. My NFT art is———————-and is inspired by/ is a story of——————————
(Feel free to express yourself and to describe a short description of your artwork)
3. A fun fact about me—————-
(Anything that makes YOU the artist you are, or fun and interesting part of your personality)
4. You can find my NFT artwork on ———— (name of the platform)
Video duration 1-2 mins maximum.
Videos over this duration will not be considered.
After recording, please transfer the final video to the shared drive, rename it
(Example: IFFNFT-MadDoodleArt INTRO)
In addition, you may provide some Fillers: (These may or may not be used)
Each Artist knows what represents them best, so for the purpose of the film if you have something we can show during your segment.
Here are a few things that will better help us tell the story of each artist.
-Any footage or photos of you creating the piece that is being featured in the film
-Any footage or photos of you creating ANY of your work or interacting in a gallery etc.
(Example: IFFNFT-MadDoodleArt FILLER)
Step 2:
Check to see if all the details are accurate, and send the link to this shareable folder by email to
iffcincy@gmail.com and cincinnatinft@gmail.com
Last date to submit
Friday, July 23, 8.00 pm EST
Who can apply:
Anyone, anywhere, across the globe can apply. Whether you are a lover of Indian film, south Asian films or films as a source of inspiration and entertainment.
The focus of the festival is diversity, acceptance and inclusion and we encourage multi-disciplinary artists to showcase their unique talents and bring focus onto their NFT artworks.
The selection of the artworks remains at the discretion of the organizers.
The final selected artworks and artist introductions will be showcased as a short film at the film festival, to highlight the variety of artworks and diverse talent of the NFT community and artists.
Selected artists will be notified by email.
Thank you and all the best! Please sign the release form so the festival can make the film and display.
Release form
Questions? Please email iffcincy@gmail.com or call us at 513-886-5817.
Sending you this follow up mail. great meeting you on club house.
I would like a 2 min video from you. You have 10 hours to deliver. Here is the info we requested from everyone.
1. Try making your video in an Conversation style, that would be most natural and best, Do it in good light. Here are the questions you will answer.
Tell us your name your profession and one thing fun about you.
How did you decide to join the NFT world.
how was this idea for the piece conceptualizedAny fun facts about you?
You can find our NFT artwork on ———— (name of the platform). Send a link.
2. Send your animated Video
3. Sign the release form at this link.
4. Here are tips for taking the video.
A short cell phone video recording of the creators/ artist, introducing themselves and their art,
So Please label clearly.
Tips for optimal video recording:
-Keep the consumer in mind. Keep it light, funny and dynamic.
-Find a well lit area of your space with the light coming towards you.
-Place your phone or recording device on a stand or prop it against a pile of books, at eye level.
-Keep the device steady and start recording.
-Make sure you are far enough from the camera so that we can see you at least from the waist up if not more. You may sit or walk towards the camera or simply stand but we must see enough of you, not just a face.
-Video must be recorded in a horizontal format, 4:3 ratio. Vertical/ square formats will not be accepted.
-Talk naturally and with ease and please answer the prompts:given to you. above
Thanks to all our Sponsors!
Indian Film Festival sponsors choose to partner with us for more than just return on investment considerations; they strongly believe in our mission to use the power of film, art and ideas to inspire audiences to create inclusive communities and a better world.