Medical Exchange and Training
Exchange program for academic scholars, medical students, postgraduate (fellows) students, faculty, and graduate/post-doctoral fellows.
Educational exchange - examples include real-time video-conferencing of academic lectures and other telemedicine applications such as tele-consultations from experts at Cincinnati for complex clinical patients.
Training opportunities for US students include exposure to tropical medicine, infectious diseases and malnutrition etc. Indian students get exposed to clinical/ basic science research and use of modern technology in medicine.
Medical Collaboration
Dr Vivek Narendran continues to collaborate and mentor physicians at JSS on a novel research project involving a low cost respiratory support system for premature babies. To date 20 small babies have been enrolled to receive the support and preliminary results look impressive. Dr Narendran visited Mysore earlier this year (Jan 2015) to monitor the progress and interact with JSS physiciansIn January 2015 Both Dr Vivek Narendran and Dr Mamata Narendran gave a talk to OB's and Pediatricians at JSS University on current concepts in managing high risk babies.
Medical students or residents from JSS visit Cincinnati and rotate at the neonatal intensive care unit at University Hospital.
We expect 2 students this summer.
Medical Assistance
Enable recruitment - graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and nursing staff
Alternative medicine - investigate the role of yoga, massage therapy and Ayurvedic herbal remedies in common pediatric and adult ailments such as ADHD, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, hypertension and diabetes.
Little Steps
Dr. Pradeep Bekal and Vivek Narendran visited Mysore and signed a MOU with JSS college to facilitate Collaboration with JSS Medical College and Hospital in Mysore.
Just launched is a new innovative clinical study evaluating the effectiveness of a chest splint to treat respiratory disease in pre term infants from low resource communities. In November of 2013 Dr Narendran visited JSS together with the inventor of the chest splint Prof Charles Palmer from Hershey University. Together they trained JSS neonatologists in the proceedure. Dr.Narendran is due to visit again this year to monitor progress.
Each year few students from JSS college in Mysore visit Cincinnati to shadow doctors, organized by Dr. Narendran